fictionnreality wrote in ontd_ai Apr 07, 2016 22:19
this is now a lil rounds community, is it smog?...or is it glitter?, congrats on yor unicorn!, 1 rich glambert and 1 expensive facial, blllollllllu, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, adam lampert, i like dick but boobs don't scare me, scotty too hotty, you wanted ontd_ai but got anal sex, who the fuck is kara?, shut up and eat da flan, tagsplosion = i will murder your dog js, my labia just clapped, anoop or merusa will b& you, lowercase jesus, trollflakegate 09, clock glass chicken, 42 & loving you in pittsburgh, all my tweets are twats, accidentally my ovaries, a 9.6 inch duck, a cougar moans in horny recovery, kara diowhatever, capscock, danny's small crooked ashy dick, abdcpp is the new blllollllllu, ontd_ai is not a trending ihop, danny are you gokey?, anal sunshine when she's gone, its meant to be kinky you dick, i actually have an high iq.srsly, scottcolate cakeintyre, and kris isn't with his wive, how is babby formed?, novelized will prank the fuck out of you, chris allen the runner up, calm the fuck down it's his dick, i'm eating hotdogs at my grandma's house, a splash of orgasm, all the midgets are kris
soresubject wrote in ontd_ai May 23, 2010 19:23
we are manoop, soresubject sucks ass, backupdancers4lyfe, anoop and matty: milf hunters, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, its meant to be kinky you dick, manamanoop, !manoop, manoop love, team matt rides again, matt giraud is awesome, team churros, i'm eating hotdogs at my grandma's house, lowercase jesus, yes be patient i'm making this good, ~straight manoop, make love to me anoop, the adventures of flopsy & cuddles, matty g - he's our special guy!, soresubject is not a mod
soresubject wrote in ontd_ai Mar 31, 2010 17:31
soresubject sucks ass, backupdancers4lyfe, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, soresubject is not a mod, matty g - he's our special guy!
soresubject wrote in ontd_ai Mar 16, 2010 20:05
Click to view
!matt giraud, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, omg disney yey
teamaims wrote in ontd_ai Feb 01, 2010 15:29
anoop: he instigates nudity, !anoop desai, anoops his way in, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee
alilfallofrain wrote in ontd_ai Jan 31, 2010 02:08
fuck chicken nuggets it's matt giraud, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, #signmattgiraud, !season 8, band, !media, !matt giraud, (guitar solo), matt giraud is awesome, !performance, accidentally my ovaries, brb returning some videotapes, !youtube, a splash of orgasm, #mattgiraudhatgod, matty g - he's our special guy!
soresubject wrote in ontd_ai Jan 29, 2010 16:36
cellcat, fuck chicken nuggets it's matt giraud, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, #signmattgiraud, good for him i guess lol, !matt giraud, i thought this post was about adam, !scorned matt, matty g - he's our special guy!
soresubject wrote in ontd_ai Jan 28, 2010 14:23
!!!mod hat, congrats on yor unicorn!, omg a lil post?, adam was born fabulous, blllollllllu, it's a bubbletweeet with matt geee, did i miss something?, who was bag, i accidentally your penis, even guinea pigs scorn you, shut up and eat da flan, on the roof seeking proof, yeah capes!, sorry about your life, feeling sorry for my sorrow, that was inappropriate, herpitage, i'm sittin' on these binches!, i ride a polar bear to school, kris smells like heaven. must be tuesday, danny's small crooked ashy dick, we are kradam